UT is known and praised for their intelligenceartficial. The player can choose a difficulty level(from "Novice" "Novice" to "Demigod"-Godlike-)that the bots used in multiplayer games and single player. In multiplayer, bots also can be modified by changing its name, appearance, accuracy,weapon preferences, alertness, (awareness) and other attributes. Later, UT implements also an option to "auto-adjusting difficulty, " which, when activated, automatically adjusts the difficulty of theAI player's current level.
Game modes
Capture the Flag
Also known as CTF, or Capture The Flag. Playerscompete in teams to take the opposing team's flagand bring it to their own base while defendingyours. Competitive teams must have a great deal of teamwork. Teams must defend your base fromattack rivals, while infiltrating the enemy base, taketheir flag and return to their base. This requires the machine to protect either the wearer of theenemies in order to achieve its objective.
The Shock Rifle: gun Unreal Series logo. Itsprimary fire launches a beam of plasma (high speed), and its secondary fire launches a ball ofplasma, which is slower than lightning. What's special about this weapon, however, is the combination of his two shots. When shooting theball, then shoot a plasma beam that creates an explosion that affects all entities that are around. Ifthe game before you select the mutator "Insta-Gib",transform these into enhanced shock rifles, similarto others, but the gun is red, his only shot (first andsecond) is a plasma beam similar to the original,but red can maul an enemy instantly, but lose all other weapons to choose Insta-Gib, unlike otherweapons, it has infinite ammo.
The Sniper Rifle: The sniper weapon, second shot is really a sight to enlarge the vision and aim for greater, at the expense of notknowing what happens around them. Even with thisdisadvantage, this rifle can kill the opponent's headwith one shot.
Welcome to the website of Rocket X Caps, our specialties are: fly in the rocket x very good, sniper rifle, shock rifle and instagib. This clan plays HoF servers (RocketX6 # 1, # 2 and # 3).
This clan is known for making lots of points and always be ahead of the team
This clan also play some CS servers |
Please make the oath for join in the clan |